Our History

Brushy Creek Baptist Church Date Rebuild
Abner Land Doc Diagram
Old Image of Mother and her daughter
James Furman Image
White Wooden Old Photo Of the members of Brushy Creek Baptist Church
Our Soldiers at Taylor SC
1974 Children Group Choir of Brushy Creek Baptist Church
Green Watercolor Cute Christmas Card (1600 x 900 mm) (700 x 422 mm)
Brushy Creek Baptist Church Inaguration 1994
Left Front Entrance image of Brushy Creek Baptist Church



George Washington was President of the U.S. and Greenville County was only eight-years-old, when five men met with families on the banks of Brushy Creek to establish the church. First services were held in a humble, pioneer log cabin on “Captain Abney’s” land.


Mother Church of Greenville

Members started meeting on land cartographers believe is our current campus. Brushy Creek starts building the first of 33 churches, from First Baptist Church of Greenville to Taylors First Baptist, and picks up the nickname the “Mother Church of Greenville.”


Sunday School

Brushy Creek becomes the first church in Greenville to establish Sunday School. More ground-breaking programs follow, with the Women’s Missionary Society in 1881 and youth programs in 1920.


James C. Furman

While residing as the first president of Furman University, James C. Furman serves as pastor at Brushy Creek for eight years. Members collect $17 for the church’s first missions fund.


New Home

Brushy Creek dedicates a new church home (across the street from where we now meet). A brick chapel, sanctuary and recreation hall are added over the next 50 years, as membership grows.


Soldiers Support

During World War I, soldiers training nearby at Camp Sevier frequently visit services. Members host them for Sunday dinner, before they return to post.


New Programs

With a focus on introducing children to Jesus, the first known Vacation Bible School is held in 1945, softball and basketball teams are formed in the 1960s, Weekday Preschool starts in 1968 and the first Student Pastor joins the staff in 1970.


International Missions

Building upon the church’s deep roots in spreading God’s Word, members answer a call to international missions, participating in a crusade to England. This opens the door to trips to dozens of countries, from Serbia to Turkey, Peru to Japan.


New Home

Having outgrown the property at Old Spartanburg & Brushy Creek Roads, members move back to the original property from 1802, breaking ground on a new Sanctuary. Today, campus includes a Worship Center, Education Building, Gym & Student Worship Center (ARC), as well as outdoor recreation space.

Church of Today

Long ago, Brushy Creek made the transition from a small, country house of worship to a growing suburban church. Today, we continue to anchor the region by offering hope and building community for thousands.



George Washington was President of the U.S. and Greenville County was only eight-years-old, when five men met with families on the banks of Brushy Creek to establish the church. First services were held in a humble, pioneer log cabin on “Captain Abney’s” land.


Mother Church of Greenville

Members started meeting on land cartographers believe is our current campus. Brushy Creek starts building the first of 33 churches, from First Baptist Church of Greenville to Taylors First Baptist, and picks up the nickname the “Mother Church of Greenville.”


Sunday School

Brushy Creek becomes the first church in Greenville to establish Sunday School. More ground-breaking programs follow, with the Women’s Missionary Society in 1881 and youth programs in 1920.


James C. Furman

While residing as the first president of Furman University, James C. Furman serves as pastor at Brushy Creek for eight years. Members collect $17 for the church’s first missions fund.


New Home

Brushy Creek dedicates a new church home (across the street from where we now meet). A brick chapel, sanctuary and recreation hall are added over the next 50 years, as membership grows.


Soldiers Support

During World War I, soldiers training nearby at Camp Sevier frequently visit services. Members host them for Sunday dinner, before they return to post.


New Programs

With a focus on introducing children to Jesus, the first known Vacation Bible School is held in 1945, softball and basketball teams are formed in the 1960s, Weekday Preschool starts in 1968 and the first Student Pastor joins the staff in 1970.


International Missions

Building upon the church’s deep roots in spreading God’s Word, members answer a call to international missions, participating in a crusade to England. This opens the door to trips to dozens of countries, from Serbia to Turkey, Peru to Japan.


New Home

Having outgrown the property at Old Spartanburg & Brushy Creek Roads, members move back to the original property from 1802, breaking ground on a new Sanctuary. Today, campus includes a Worship Center, Education Building, Gym & Student Worship Center (ARC), as well as outdoor recreation space.

Church of Today

Long ago, Brushy Creek made the transition from a small, country house of worship to a growing suburban church. Today, we continue to anchor the region by offering hope and building community for thousands. Join us as we bring Jesus to our neighborhoods and the nations.

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