Our Purpose

Offering Hope, Building Community.

We desire to gather regularly as a faith family to glorify God together through worship. Worship fuels our love for God and aids our spiritual maturity.

We desire to grow spiritually in our walk with Christ. In addition to corporate worship, God grows us through personal daily time with Him and with intentional time in discipleship with others.

We desire to serve others in the church by giving our time, talents and treasure to build up the body of Christ.
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We desire to obey the Great Commission, to make disciples, by taking the message of Jesus to our neighborhoods and the nations.

Our Team

Meet (and email) our pastors, ministers and
, led by Dr. Cory Horton.


Our Story

Brushy Creek Baptist Church was founded in 1794. Yep, you read that right. Click here for more on our exciting history from George Washington to today.

What We Believe

Brushy Creek is a local church affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Click here to read more about our core beliefs.

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